1. casebase::ERSPC
    Data on the men in the European Randomized Study of Prostate Cancer Screening
  2. casebase::bmtcrr
    Data on transplant patients
  3. casebase::brcancer
    German Breast Cancer Study Group 2
  4. casebase::eprchd
    Estrogen plus Progestin and the Risk of Coronary Heart Disease (eprchd)
  5. casebase::simdat
    Simulated data under Weibull model with Time-Dependent Treatment Effect
  6. casebase::support
    Study to Understand Prognoses Preferences Outcomes and Risks of Treatment (SUPPORT)
  7. eclust::simdata
    Simulated Data with Environment Dependent Correlations
    matrix|100 x 502
  8. eclust::tcgaov
    Subset of TCGA mRNA Ovarian serous cystadenocarcinoma data
  9. ggmix::admixed
    Simulated Dataset with 1D Geography
  10. ggmix::karim
    Karim's Simulated Data
  11. manhattanly::HapMap
    Subset of HapMap data with simulated GWAS results
  12. manhattanly::significantSNP
    Character vector of SNPs to highlight